Spit Shining the ship.

As Elton John once said. It gets lonely out in space. Especially when the only thing you can do is spit shine your ship on whatever planet you landed on. That being said.


  • I fixed the "Hugging the right side wall" glitch that effectively allowed you to kill big enemies for massive points while not being able to be hit.
  • I also fixed the hitbox on the big enemies. It should be a little easier to play now.

Future plans:

I might implement a system that allows for ship rotation based on mouse position  which of course means the bullets can be fired from that position as well. Might make the game more of a top down shooter as opposed to bullet hell where you can only shoot forward.

Opinions greatly appreciated.


Laser Command.zip 18 MB
Sep 02, 2019

Get Laser Command

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